Baby Bottle feeding

The Dos and Don'ts of Cleaning Baby Bottles with Liquid Cleanser

If there is anything that can be done for the health of your baby, it would be keeping their feeding bottles as clean as possible. A  feeding bottle cleaning liquid will provide effectiveness in this regard. Here’s how to do and not do it so you clean those bottles properly and safely. 


Mother feeding milk to baby
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts of cleaning your baby bottles: 


  • Do choose the Right Cleaning Liquid: 
  • Choose a cleanser liquid that is, in particular, designed for baby bottles. These products are generally mild and secure to use, from which the harmful chemicals have been removed.

  •  Do Rinse Right After Feeding:
  • Rinse bottles every time with water after feeding. It also enabled later cleaning since milk residue won’t have to harden. 

  • Do Disassemble All Parts:
  • Dismantle the bottle and its parts: nipple, ring, and bottle. This way, no milk residue will always remain on any part of it. 

  • Do Us Warm Water:
  • Fill a basin with the warm water and also add the feeding bottle cleaning liquid. Warm water helps to loosen the milk residue and also makes the cleaning process more effective

  • Do Scrub gently:
  • With a bottle brush, scrub the inside of the bottle, and also use a small brush to scrub the nipple. Make sure to reach the corners to get rid of the residue. 

  • Rinse Thoroughly:
  • After scrubbing, make ensure that you rinse each part with clean running water to ensure that all the remnants of the cleaning fluid are removed. Any more existing cleanser may be harmful to your baby. 

  • Air Dry:
  • Place the bottles and all parts on a clean drying rack and let them air dry completely. This will help in preventing bacterial growth in a damp environment. 

  • Do Sterilize Periodically
  • Apart from cleaning the bottles regularly with feeding bottle cleaning liquid, sterilize them once in a while. Boiling water or a bottle sterilizer may kill all the remaining bacteria, making the bottle perfectly safe for your baby. 


  • Don't Use Harsh Chemicals:
  • Avoid using hash bleach, dishwashing liquid, or other harsh chemicals. These hold the ability to deposit residues that are potentially harmful to your baby.

  •  Don't Forget to Sanitize:
  • While regular cleaning is quite important, do not forget the sanitizing process. Sterilizing these bottles might kill off bacteria that regular cleaning may miss.

  • Don't Use abrasive Brushes:
  • Soft bristles are not likely to scratch the surface and should be used. This will avoid offering bacteria many places to hide on the bottle's surface. Only use feeding bottle cleaning liquid and the type of brushes designed specifically for cleaning baby bottles.

  • Don't Forget to Check for Wear and Tear:
  • Look out for any signs of wear and tear on the bottles and nipples. Such areas like cracks or scratches usually offer a habitat for bacteria and should be replaced in case of damage.

  •  Don't Overfill the Drying Rack:
  • Overcrowding will prevent good air circulation in the drying rack; poor drying encourages bacterial growth. Make sure there is space for each part to dry completely.

  • Don't Skip Cleaning Your Cleaning Tools:
  • Be sure to clean the bottle brushes and cleaning tools with cleaning liquid as well. Dirty tools can contaminate the bottles, rendering all the work you have done to clean them useless.

  •  Don't Use Scalding Hot Water:
  • While it can be quite effective with warm water, scalding hot water is quite detrimental to a bottle and its components. Use only warm or mildly heated water for the best results.

    Keeping your baby's bottles clean using the feeding bottle cleaning liquid is very important for the baby's health and safety. Following these dos and don'ts will help you ensure your baby's bottles are clean or not for ensuring the health of your baby. Also, avoid strong cleaning agents, hard brushes, and overcrowding on drying racks. So, to keep the feeding bottles of your little one clean and hygienic, follow the above-mentioned tips that shall keep your mind at peace and help in your baby's overall well-being.

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